Thursday, October 31, 2019

How Successful was the American and Chinese Alliance in the WWII and Essay

How Successful was the American and Chinese Alliance in the WWII and Why - Essay Example China did not participate in the First World War, but Japan did. In their participation, Japan posed a great threat to western countries. Further, Japan sought dominance in the East Asian region and intervened china taking up Chinese territories (Rocky 186). It was during this war that America and China formed alliance with a view of achieving their objective. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the success attributed to the American and Chinese alliance in the World War II, and the reasons behind the success. An understanding of the prevailing conditions in China enable a clearer understanding of the situations under which the alliance between America and China started. After the First World War, Japan intruded into china’s territories. Previously, China respected all the treaties it had signed. In the international picture, China lacked a good reputation in international relations. China had internal issues, which it sought to get over first. China had the habit of not r esponding to foreign intrusions into its territories. However, after japans’ intrusion in 1930’, china responded as a nation to the imperialism. This marked China’s turning point in international interests and especially the East Asian region (Gallicchio 187). On the other hand, America was an emerging threat to all nations to take over the global economy. America participated in the First World War and realized that Japan was a potential threat to its interests. This realization prompted America to seek an alliance with the weak China. The two countries shared nothing in common in terms of relations and interests. However, America realized that strengthening China to stand up, as a unified nation against Japan would alter situations. The altered situations would be in America’s favor. Unified China would probably defeat Japan and America would no longer be under any threat. America was prepared to pay the price to unify China and enable it to stand again st Japan (Liu 71). China’s entry into an alliance with America was a pursuit for its needs to gain stability nationally, regionally and internationally. China pictured that by the end of the war, the resulting policies would enable it to compete in the international front effectively. China hoped that America would help it overcome its internal differences and stand up as unified force in East Asia. In addition, China had a quest to conquer Japan and regain its lost territories. The alliance looked promising for both nations. China belonged to the Big Four in the United Nations but at that time, it did not compete effectively (Hing 55). Therefore, Chinese leaders reasoned that the alliance and post war events would leave it in a better position. These circumstances led to leaders in Washington and Chongqing to decide to lay down a different structure in China’s international relations. The alliance was China’s best opportunity to be empowered internally and exte rnally. Their alliance came about after Japans’ Pearl Harbor attack masterminding. Shortly before the Pearl Harbor attack, Chiang, the then Chinese leader had expressed his confidence in America’s leadership and promised to that China would adopt that form of leadership after the war. He presented China as a potential center and this won the favor of Roosevelt. Roosevelt was the president of America in that era. Chiang promised America that they would serve as a market for America’

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Exclusionary Rule Essay Example for Free

Exclusionary Rule Essay Constitutional Law pertains to the account of fundamental laws of nation-states and other political associations. Thus, constitutions refer to the foundation and structure for government and could limit or characterize the power and system of political institutions to carry out new laws and policies (Chemerinsky, 2003). The constitution sets the boundaries of new laws, thus, the entire state is subjected to the constitution. The Fourteenth amendment of the United States which covers citizenship and civil rights is where the Fourth Amendment sprouted from. In recognition of equality among citizens discarding race, ethnicity and religion, the fourth amendment was made to protect the rights of the citizens and those are the right to due process and to privacy and security of his properties. This fourth amendment was created in 1914 was at the federal level and was only adapted by all states of America. The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution (Search and Seizure) includes the Exclusionary Rule which protects citizens of the United States from illegal searches of their private properties (Sundberg). Any unwarranted intrusions made by the police force to the privacy of an individual are prohibited by law. For a search to be valid the warrant to search should be able to describe in detail the items to be searched, the location and facilities to be confiscated (Roberts, 2007). This lets the people enjoy their right to feel secure of their houses, documents, papers and other properties that are considered private. The rule also gives the citizen a right to due process as the police force cannot just confiscate and search them without the needed papers. Furthermore, this law also abides by the philosophy of deontology wherein the action is judged to be right or wrong if the root of the action itself is based upon the duty and obligation of a person (Darwall, 12). Thus, the means upon which evidence is acquired is more important than the value of the evidence gathered. Since this rule encompass criminal cases only, even if the police found a gun or any evidence that points out that the man who owns the property upon which the evidence was found is indeed the perpetrator, this evidence will be considered invalid in court and will not make any impact on the courts decision given that the police did not have the warrant to search the individuals property. In addition to that, a search that is made in areas that is not specified by the warrant is not allowed even if evidences are found within the parameters of the facility that was searched. The positive side of this law is that it protects the rights of every citizen against illegal searches by the police, thus securing their privacy. This also discourages illegal searches and bounds the police to their duty by following the law. However, the downside of this rule is that if evidence is found in illegally searched areas, even if it can very well summarize the outcome of the case will be put to waste for the simple reason that there was no warrant of arrest or it was not indicated in the warrant that such place is included in the search. The absence of that piece of paper means a lot in the proceedings, and such important evidences are discarded. For example, a weapon that is found in the car of a murderer with his finger print on it would still be useless in court since it was searched illegally. Which is more important then, the evidence or how the evidence was obtained? Perhaps for us to fully assess the situation it is a need for us to analyze a certain scenario. For the purpose of further understanding the gravity of the situation let us assume that a bomb explosion took place in a residential neighborhood rendering 10 people killed and 20 other wounded. Right after the explosion operatives responded in just 3 minutes given that the place is in close proximity to the police station. The initial assumption was for it to be a terroristic act. Since the neighborhood was closely knit almost everyone knew something about everybody. They denied that such ruthless murderer could be one of their residents but a policeman guided by his instinct was convinced that a prominent resident of the neighborhood did the bombing. The resident was bound to leave the place the day after but since it was a Sunday, the court was close and cannot issue a warrant plus the fact that they cannot link him to the bomb explosion. The policemen decided to search the house of the resident without the warrant and found evidence. Materials of making a bomb were found at his residence. They arrested him but after years the case was dismissed because of the exclusion rule. First and foremost, there was no warrant and second they filed motion to suppress the evidence. The law supports the defendants claim and sets him free. This issue is a philosophical debate of the deontological and consequentialist groups (Philip, 2002). Deontological perspective would argue that the fault was in the part of the officials since they did not do their duty. To act from duty is to do the right thing and it is more important that catching the perpetrator before he leaves the town. The obedience of duty is placed in higher value as the result of their act. Even if they found the evidence and arrested the man responsible for the bombing that killed 10 people, it is still not valid. They did not abide to their duty. â€Å"A human action is morally good if and only if it is done from duty† (Kant, 397–399). Consequential or Utilitarianism would say that the act of searching without a warrant is the right thing to do since they found who did the bombing. The measures upon which the police undertook to get to the perpetrator is not important as long as the greater good for the most number of people was realized, and that is justice. It does not matter if there is no warrant and the police invaded the house of a private citizen as long as the truth was discovered and the person responsible was caught. The evidence was clear, therefore is compensates for the policeman’s inability to adhere to the Fourth Amendment. Both philosophies have their reasons that are enough to justify their claims, but I believe that we should keep the Fourth Amendment as it is. It is in our law that we should respect the privacy and rights of a citizen. In the scenario above the policemen caught the perpetrator because they found evidence in his household. The search was illegal but either way, they got what they were looking for. However, what if they saw nothing, would it not be invasion of privacy on grounds as weak as instinct? Then the basic right to privacy and security of the citizen would have been violated. There is no need to change the exclusionary rule, policemen should abide by their duty and help to protect the rights of the people. We cannot compromise the basic rights of an individual for public safety. Though it is the duty of the police to go after the perpetrator and give justice to the crimes he has committed, he also has rights whether he is a citizen of the United States or not. According to the fourth amendment the exclusionary rule covers even illegal aliens. We cannot strip a person with his rights even if the need arises for the simple reason that it is adherence to our duty that defines who we are. If the exclusionary rule is to be abolished then, warrantless arrests and rampant would be more prevalent in our nation. Even now that the rule takes effect there are still violations. Rampant searches especially to our brothers with colors are evident in our nation. Wire tapping is also an issue about the security of communication lines especially for public officials. The Bush administration wanted to allow the use of evidences that were illegally seized by the police given that it was in good faith and is useful in finding the person who is responsible for the crime. Plus they want to allow federal agents to arrest persons without a warrant of arrest regardless of nationality as long as it is done with the most honest intentions. Sure this can solves some crimes such as the scenario given above, but I want to point out that this only allows further suppression of a persons liberty. When the use of illegally searched evidences is allowed in court, this would only encourage the policeman to search anyone and any house or establishment that they want to search and if they find nothing, the person concerned can’t go after the policemen and ask for damages. They will be protected by law to barge into the homes of countless citizens and invade their privacy. If we take action just because we believe that it is for the best even if it is not in our duty, we have no guarantee that that action can be fruitful. It can’t be denied that there is a need to reduce crime in our nation and solve those that are still looking for justice, but giving justice for the price of a person’s liberty is a cost that’s too high for a nation who values autonomy of its citizens. The exclusionary rule has set standards for our policemen for them to abide too such that their level of professionalism and adherence to their duty is further raised higher. They are bounded by law to protect the citizens of this nation and they should do so while safeguarding the basic rights of every individual. Thus, there is a need for the exclusionary rule to uphold the liberty of this nation. Reference

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Top Glove Corporation Berhad Expansion

Top Glove Corporation Berhad Expansion 1. INTRODUCTION Top Glove Corporation Berhad founded by the husband and wife team of Tan Sri Dr. Lim Wee-Chai, as a company chairman and Puan Sri Tong Siew Bee, executive director. Establish in Malaysia in 1991, Top Glove operated with only one factory with three second-hand production lines. Nowadays, it is known as the world largest rubber glove manufacturer. Top Glove embarked an impressive expansion plan with the following position: World Largest Rubber Glove Manufacturer Existing (As at December 2010) 1. Number of Factories 20 2. Number of Production Lines 379 3. Total pieces of Gloves Produced (per year) 33.75 billion 4. Number of Employees 10,900 5. Countries of Export 180 6. Number of Customers 900 Top Glove was listed on Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpurs second board in 2001 and has been successfully promoted to the Main Market of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange on May 16, 2002. Top Glove has over 15 years of experience in production of latex examination gloves (HWANGDBS Vickers Research, 2008). It has also diversified overseas and set up four factories in Thailand and two in China, in addition to the 12 facilities it has in Malaysia (CIMB Research Report, 2007). 1.2 Companys Core Business Top Gloves nature activities are manufacturing and trading rubber gloves, synthetic gloves and surgical gloves which are mostly used in medical, industrial and food services industries. With an approximated 80% of their product is in the form of natural rubber gloves and the remaining 20% are synthetic gloves (CIMB Research Report, 2007). Top Glove acts as a one-stop glove centre by offering a full range of services, from manufacturing glove products to packaging, branding, sales as well as distribution of finished glove products through its three primary sales offices in Klang, Malaysia; Azusa, California and Duisburg, Germany (HWANGDBS Vickers Research, 2008). About 95% of the company sales are for the export market. 1.3 Financial Performance According to annual report 2009, Top Glove has successfully achieved the company growth by showing the increase in net profit for the financial year. The remarkable growth of 54% of net profit in the year 2009 as compare to the year 2008 showing that Top Glove fully utilizes the advantage of its listing as public company to generate growth that is beneficial to the shareholders. 2. SALES ANALYSIS 2.1 Sales Growth Rates Total sales or total revenue is the first line on any company income statement. This figure is the amount of money that company receives during the specific time of period. Total revenue is very important to turn in money into a profit. In the past 5 years (2005 2009), Top Glove has been profitable. The sales growth for its products showing the increase in revenue for the every financial year. Top Gloves Revenue for the past 5 years Year Total Revenue (RMmil) 2004 418.1 2005 641.8 2006 992.6 2007 1228.8 2008 1377.9 2009 1529.1 Source: Top Glove Annual Report 2010 The sales growth rates (%) from year to year will be calculate as below; current sales previous sales ________________________ x 100 Previous sales Year Sales Growth Rates (%) From year to year Sales Growth Rates (%) From year 2005 2004 2005 53.50 2006 54.66 54.66 2007 23.80 91.46 2008 12.13 114.69 2009 10.97 138.25 Exponential functions can be applied in growth processes. The most widely accepted method in academics to calculate total growth can be represented by the functions; y = a(1 + r)X which; a = initial amount before measuring growth r = growth rate (often a percent) x = number of time intervals that have passed The exponential function in computing growth rates for Top Gloves are presented as below: 1. Year: 2005 Growth rates (%): 53.50 (0.5350) Revenue amount before measuring growth (RM000): 418.1 Exponential Growth Functions: y = a(1+r)x y = 418.1(1+0.5350)1 y = 641.8 2. Year: 2006 Growth rates (%): 54.66 (0.5466) Revenue amount before measuring growth (RM000): 641.8 Exponential Growth Functions: y = a(1+r)x y = 641.8(1+0.5466)1 y = 992.6 3. Year: 2007 Growth rates (%): 23.80 (0.2380) Revenue amount before measuring growth (RM000): 992.6 Exponential Growth Functions: y = a(1+r)x y = 992.6(1+0.2380)1 y = 1228.8 4. Year: 2008 Growth rates (%): 12.13 (0.1213) Revenue amount before measuring growth (RM000): 1228.8 Exponential Growth Functions: y = a(1+r)x y = 1228.8(1+0.1213)1 y = 1377.9 5. Year: 2009 Growth rates (%): 10.97 (0.1097) Revenue amount before measuring growth (RM000): 1377.9 Exponential Growth Functions: y = a(1+r)x y = 1377.9(1+0.1097)1 y = 1529.1 2.2 Growth Rates Analysis 53.5% growth in 2005, Top Glove and the glove industry facing an exciting and challenging year when unexpected hike in the prices of crude oil and raw material. Top Gloves has managed to maintained company performance by continue its aggressive capacity expansion to capture a bigger share of the world glove market. 54.66% in 2006, the sting of increasing oil and fuel prices continues to vibrate throughout the glove and healthcare industry. These two industries feel the most pressure in deciding how to react in this situation. This is because production cost would be driven up by the increased oil and fuel prices which will impacts on the capability to deliver the products. Top Gloves still continues to stand in progressing by control over its operation costs and learned to manage the increase in the cost of oil and fuel prices. Each manufacturer can standoff these costs by their own way, however price increases are inevitable (Jeannie and Dana, 2006). By the year 2007, Top Glove achieved a remarkable revenue growth of 23.8% to RM1,228.8 million. The growth was principally due to the continued increased in customer base globally and a higher volume of sales attributed to the increased capacity so that the company succeeds to face on the increase in operating costs. In year 2008, the growth slows to 12.13% caused by global economy. It was tough for the glove producer to continue the business due to the tight margin and only glove manufacturers with sizable economies of scale can survive (Malaysian Rubber Board, 2008). Top Glove definitely cannot be escaped from this phenomenon. However, Top Glove had experienced to face the current world financial crisis and continues companys ability to grow over the years. Year 2009 shows that the slower growth rate goes to 10.97% achieved by Top Glove. The company started the year with aware about a strong global demand of gloves especially in healthcare industry stimulated by the global economic recovery. Furthermore, the H1N1 pandemic caused the demand of gloves contributed in abnormal return to all rubber glove manufacturers including Top Glove. Top Glove had adapted well in current economic environment by which its earning was boosted by higher sales and higher costs efficiency (OSK, 2010). 3. SALES TREND Sales trend analysis is a review of sales during a specified period of time. It is could be increase, decrease or remain unchanged. The purpose of sales trend analysis is to monitoring performance and to predict future performance. Top Gloves sales trend increased year by year. It is showed that the company very focused on their nature business and will struggle to maintain companys mission as a world class glove manufacturer by providing best quality product as well as to toughen their position as the worlds largest rubber glove manufacturer. Top Gloves sales trend illustrated with a graph below; Based on the graph above, it is showed that Top Glove sales trend growing over the years. The growth might be supported by the high demanded from their customer. The surge of demand for rubber gloves used for medical and protection purpose forced glove industry to raise the selling price. Similarly, Top Glove also raised its products selling price to equalize the higher production costs. However, the demand for rubber gloves remained and was in fast growing even though the selling price was high. For the 5 years, Top Glove continued achieved a remarkable profit. The global phenomena such as H1N1 and SARS pandemic, hike in the price of oil and raw material, weather, war or world financial crisis which result in boost in the demand of rubber glove. Additionally, increase in health awareness worldwide also increases the demand of rubber glove. Top Glove succeed to adapt all the difficult situation year by year by their good planning of manufacturing processes and providing a high quality of product. 4. CONCLUSION As a conclusion, Top Glove Corporation Berhad continued achieved a remarkable profit by increasing their revenue and sales growth rate from year to year. The companys show strong sales performance was endorsed to high demand for gloves especially form healthcare industry and emerging market which demand for gloves is expected to growing for a double digit every year. Even though there are more challenges to overcome, Top Glove positive to increase their remarkable revenue and sales growth rates for every year and believe to maintain its leadership in the global market by continue providing a top quality of product.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

When doing business meetings in Italy punctuality is not a priority, being late with a good reason will not have any negative consequences. The typical business hours of stores in Italy are from eight am to one pm and from three pm to seven pm and usually do not open on Monday mornings. Some major stores will stay open through lunch breaks some may not. Malls and Food Markets are open all week except on Sundays, although there are some specific Sundays which they do open. In major cities supermarkets are open from 9am till 9pm and are open Monday through Sunday. The bank hours in Italy are from eight thirty am to one thirty pm, and then they have a break for about two hours or so and return to work at three till four thirty in the afternoon. Banks are not open on the weekends or on national holidays. Post offices work from eight thirty am until six thirty in the afternoon; they are open from Monday’s through Saturday’s. The Monetary Denomination in Italy is the euro. On e US dollar equals 0.73 Euros or 1.00 Euro has the value of 1.367 USD. In Italy the currency has more value than the currency in the United States. â€Å"In Italy they have twelve national holidays the first one is Capodanno which is celebrated on January first, this holiday is the celebration of the first day of the year. The second holiday is Befana celebrated on January six. This holiday is to celebrate the arrival of the three kings to the stable where newborn Jesus is staying with his parents, this holiday is like the holiday that is named â€Å"el dia de los Reyes magos† to Hispanics. The third holiday is named Carnevale; Carnevale is the period of relaxation and parting before Lent. The fourth holiday is Pasque, which is the same as Easter in the United States, this is... ...hen all of a sudden the company takes a hit because the business partners which you did business with did not look at the major risk factors and at the end your company is the ones who takes a hit, that is one of the major factors which you should look at. Another advantage you have for working with Italians is that the monetary denomination has more value than the monetary denomination in the United States. A disadvantage that your company may encounter is that Italians do not work much, which means that businesses are not opened the regular hours American businesses are open for; this means that there are many hours in which your company may not be making progress or making money. That is the only major disadvantage that may impact your business. Throughout this research paper you and your company can see more advantages that your company may have.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Intensive care Essay

1. Adam Smith, 77 years of age, is a male patient who was admitted from a nursing home to the intensive care unit with septic shock secondary to urosepsis. The patient has a Foley catheter in place from the nursing home with cloudy greenish, yellow-colored urine with sediments. The nurse removes the catheter after obtaining a urine culture and replaces it with a condom catheter attached to a drainage bag since the patient has a history of urinary and bowel incontinence. The patient is confused, afebrile, and hypotensive with a blood pressure of 82/44 mm Hg. His respiratory rate is 28 breaths/min and the pulse oximeter reading is at 88% room air, so the physician ordered 2 to 4 L of oxygen per nasal cannula titrated to keep SaO2 greater than 90%. The patient responded to 2 L of oxygen per nasal cannula with a SaO2 of 92%. The patient has diarrhea. His blood glucose level is elevated at 160 mg/dL. The white blood count is 15,000 and the Creactive protein, a marker for inflammation, is elevated. The patient is being treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and norepinephrine (Levophed) beginning at 2 mcg/min and titrated to keep systolic blood pressure greater than 100 mm Hg. A subclavian triple lumen catheter was inserted and verified by chest x-ray for correct placement. An arterial line was placed in the right radial artery to closely monitor the patient’s blood pressure during the usage of the vasopressor therapy. (Learning Objectives 6 and 7) a. What predisposed the patient to develop septic shock? b. What potential findings would suggest that the patient’s septic shock is worsening from the point of admission?  c. The norepinephrine concentration is 16 mg in 250 mL of normal saline (NS). Explain how the nurse should administer the medication. What nursing implications are related to the usage of a vasoactive medication? d. Explain why the effectiveness of a vasoactive medication decreases as the septic shock worsens. What treatment should the nurse anticipate to be obtained to help the patient? e. Explain the importance for nutritional support for this patient and which type of nutritional support should be provided f. What are your priority interventions? Nursing/ Medical ( 3-4 ) 2. Carlos Adams was involved in a motor vehicle accident and suffered blunt trauma to his abdomen. Upon presentation to the emergency department, his vital signs are as follows: temperature, 100.9 °F; heart rate, 120 bpm; respiratory rate, 20 breaths/min; and blood pressure, 90/54 mm Hg. His abdomen is firm, with bruising around the umbilicus. He is alert and oriented, but complains of dizziness when changing positions. The patient is admitted for management of suspected hypovolemic shock. The following orders are written for the patient: Place two large-bore IVs and infuse 0.9% NS at 125 mL/hr/line Obtain complete blood count, serum electrolytes Oxygen at 2 L/min via nasal cannula Type and cross for 4 units of blood Flat plate of the abdomen STAT (Learning Objectives 1, 4, and5) a. Describe the pathophysiologic sequence of events seen with hypovolemic shock. b. What are the major goals of medical management in this patient? c. What is the rationale for placing two large-bore IVs? d. What are advantages of using 0.9% NS in this patient? e. What is the rationale for placing the patient in a modified Trendelenburg position? Case Study, Chapter 13, Fluid and Electrolytes: Balance and Disturbance 1. Mrs. Dean is 75-year-old woman admitted to the hospital for a small bowel obstruction. Her medical history includes hypertension. Mrs. Dean is NPO. She has a nasogastric (NG) tube to low continuous suction. She has an IV of 0.9% NS at 83 mL/hr. Current medications include furosemide 20 mg daily and hydromorphone 0.2 mg every 4 hours, as needed for pain. The morning electrolytes reveal serum potassium of 3.2 mEq/L. a. What are possible causes of a low potassium level? b. What action should the nurse take in relation to the serum potassium level? c. What clinical manifestations might the nurse assess in Mrs. Dean? 2. Conrad Jackson is a 28-year-old man who presents to the emergency  department with severe fatigue and dehydration secondary to a 4-day history of vomiting. During the interview, he describes attending a family reunion and states that perhaps he â€Å"ate something bad.† Upon admission his vital signs are a temperature of 102.7 °F, heart rate of 116 bpm, respiratory rate of 18 breaths/min, and blood pressure of 86/54 mm Hg. The nurse also notes the patient has dry mucous membranes and tenting of skin. The physician orders an IV to be started with 0.45% normal saline, and orders a serum electrolytes and an arterial blood gas. (Learning Objective 7) The following results are returned from the laboratory: Sodium (Na+) 150 Potassium (K+) 5.5 Chloride (Cl ¯) 110 BUN 42 Creatinine 0.8 Glucose 86 pH 7.32 PaCO2 35 HCO3 ¯ 20 PaO2 90 O2 Sat 98% a. What is your interpretation of this arterial blood gas sample? b. Explain the high potassium in this patient. c. Calculate the patient’s anion gap: d. What is the interpretation of this anion gap? 1. Complete a plan of care for a patient with an electrolyte imbalance: fluid volume deficit and fluid volume excess; sodium deficit (hyponatremia) and sodium excess (hypernatremia); potassium deficit (hypokalemia) and potassium excess (hyperkalemia). Specifically, include altered laboratory values. 2. Create a Plan care for a patient with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fort Valley State University Admissions Requirements

Fort Valley State University Admissions Requirements Fort Valley State University Admissions Overview: Fort Valley State seems to be selective, admitting around a quarter of those who apply each year. Still, those with good grades and test scores above average have a good chance of being admitted to the school. To apply, interested students should submit an application, scores from either the SAT or ACT (both are accepted equally), and high school transcripts. If you have any questions about applying, be sure to contact the admissions office, and check out the schools website for updated admissions requirements.   Will You Get In? Calculate Your Chances of Getting In  with this free tool from Cappex Admissions Data (2016): Fort Valley State University Acceptance Rate: 26%Test Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 380 / 470SAT Math: 390 / 470SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 10  / 19ACT English: 15 / 19ACT Math: 7  / 20ACT Writing: -  / -What these ACT numbers mean Fort Valley State University Description: Fort Valley State University is a four-year, public, historically black college located in Fort Valley, Georgia. The campus 1,365 acres is the second largest in the state for a public university. FVSU supports over 3,500 students with a student/faculty ratio of 20 to 1. FVSU offers over 50 majors between its colleges of Arts and Sciences, Agriculture and Family Sciences, Graduate Studies and Extended Education, and Education. Students at Fort Valley State stay busy outside of the classroom through participation in over 70 student clubs and organizations, including a Creative Writing Club, Criminal Justice Club, the Royal Elite Modeling Troupe, and many fraternities and sororities.  For intercollegiate athletics, the FVSU Wildcats competes in the NCAA Division II Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC) with sports that include men’s and women’s basketball, tennis, track and field,  and cross country. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 2,679  (2,252 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 42% Male / 58% Female89% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $5,594  Books: $1,500  (why so much?)Room and Board: $7,950Other Expenses: $5,000Total Cost: $20,044 Fort Valley State University Financial Aid (2015- 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 98%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 91%Loans: 91%Average Amount of AidGrants: $6,929Loans: $6,714 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Biology, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, PsychologyWhat major is right for you?  Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 75%Transfer Out Rate: 23%4-Year Graduation Rate: 8%6-Year Graduation Rate: 25% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Football, Track and Field, Cross Country, Tennis, BasketballWomens Sports:  Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Cross Country, Softball, Track and Field Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Fort Valley State, You May Also Like These Schools: Savannah State University: Profile  Columbus State University: Profile  Mercer University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBethune-Cookman University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphAlbany State University: Profile  Clark Atlanta University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphValdosta State University: Profile  University of Georgia: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph